30 day challenge: Begins the monday following your purchase

bridal bootcamp

Discover the best version of you. 

This unique bridal bootcamp is designed to cater to your individual needs and schedule. We understand that planning for a wedding can be hectic, so we want to ensure that you have the flexibility to embark on this journey at a pace that suits you best.


a $250 value

What does the challenge entail?


Gym Workouts with At-Home Modifications: Tailored exercises to accommodate your preferences and schedule, whether you prefer the gym or the comfort of your home.


Specific Habits for Fat Loss and Hormone Balance: Expert guidance on cultivating habits that support fat loss and hormone balance for long-lasting results.


Exclusive App Access: Gain entry to our app, typically reserved for clients, where you'll find personalized resources, progress tracking, and a supportive community.


eBook for Fat Loss: A comprehensive guide providing valuable insights, tips, and techniques for effective fat loss.


Progress Tracking – Before-and-after measurements, photos, and body composition analysis.


Gut Health Tips: Understanding and optimizing your gut health to enhance overall well-being and accelerate your fitness journey.


And More: Additional resources and surprises to keep you motivated and engaged throughout the challenge!

Prioritize you.

“I saw a lot of personal growth. Physically and mentally, this challenge did what it was intended for - to challenge myself! I have upped my weight and met all rep counts, I’m eating better and i have slot more time to workout than i tell myself i do. This has been something i am thankful i did and had pushed me to be better for myself.” – Victoria

 Disclaimer: By purchasing this program you understand that partaking in these movements can cause injury if not done correctly and Hannah Ruth Fitness LLC is not liable for any injuries caused. Hannah Ruth Fitness LLC does not guarantee results nor is the entity responsible for any personal, physical or mental injuries incurred during the duration of this program. All sales are final. No refunds.